USA stopped anti-Japan policy,but S Korea escalates anti-Japan.

In the WW2,Korean war prostitute,so-called
 comfort women,were paid salary and prices.

They used contraceptives.From today's viewpoint,
they were miserable.

But they were far better than Jews,who were
 killed by Hitler.

After the WW2,Koreans raped Japanese refugee.
Many Japanese women became pregnant and were

Korea had retaliated for prostitution.
But the matter was complicated by Korean war.
Korean war was used as USA's economic policy.

Korea was devastated inthe war.USA must
 compensate for S Korea.But USA did indirectly.

S Korean president Rhee,Syng-Man robbed Japanese
 Takeshima islands.

In 1952,before armistice,before San Francisco
 treaty became valid,while Japan was still

But USA didn't allow Japan to retaliate to
 S Korea.

During the Cold War with Soviet,both Japan
 and S Korea belong to Western,American team.

There should be no fighting between teammates.
Soviet had collapsed in 1991.

USA's next target was Japan's industrial power.
With China and S Korea,USA produced containment
 policy towards Japan.

USA implicitly allowed China and s Korea to
 wage historical,moral and ideological war
 with Japan.

But after 2011,3/11 Great earth quake,USA Stopped
 anti-Japan policy.

But S Korea doesn't understand that.She thinks
moral and emotional compensation wasn't enough
 and require everlasting apology and compensation
 to Japan.

S Korea exaggerates prostitution(comfort women)
problem.She wrongly cooperates with feminist

President Moon exaggerate anti-Japan policy.
Besides prostitute problem,he uses immigrants
 laborers during wartime.

Moon's government falsifies immigrants to Japan
 as forced laborers and requires compensation
 by Japan.

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