Japan and Korea are fighting ideological and religious war.

Korea is nation of resentment,emotionalism
 and cultic chauvinism.

Small Chino-centrism.Korea is highly
 Ideological and cannot see reality.

It makes distorted,false and Imaginary history.
It uses history as political weapon.

Koreans want to be far Eastern Jews.
Selected people,morally superior.

They disdain  Japanese as heathen,immoral
 and Inferior.

Their religion is highly discriminating.
Korea wages religious and historical war
 against Japan.

It demands that Japan must eternally
 apologize and compensate for Korea.

Korea is pre-modern country. It doesn't accept
 modern rule of law.

It distorts laws,it puts laws under emotional

Japan annexed Korea from 1910 to 1945.Korea
 is revenging to that.

South Korea confiscates from Japanese government
 and companies.

S Korea breaks treaty of 1965.Japan becomes
 unbearable to S Korea.

It stopped to treat S Korea as white country.
That is not discrimination.

Japan stopped to overestimate S Korea,to
 give special favor to SK.

S Korea became furious and retaliated.But
 that isn't trade war.

S Korean president Moon want to unite with
 N Korea and  to share N Korean nuclear bombs.
Korea,with nukes,wants to humiliate japan.